Grantee Name: Convergence Center for Policy Resolution Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $635,000
Grantee Name: Education, Training and Research Associates Grants Received: 6 grants Total Amount: $405,000
Grantee Name: Family Values at Work A Multi-State Consortium Inc. Grants Received: 10 grants Total Amount: $1,685,000
Grantee Name: First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $50,000
Grantee Name: Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministries Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $95,000
Grantee Name: Institute for the Advancement of Minority Health Grants Received: grants Total Amount: $0
Grantee Name: James B Hunt Jr Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $500,000
Grantee Name: Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation Grants Received: 1 grants Total Amount: $150,000