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Discipline: Physics

Discipline: Physics

Neutron stars and black holes are often discovered when telescopes detect light produced in their vicinity. The common challenge to explain these stunning observations is understanding the behavior of plasma, the hot magnetized gas producing the emission, under conditions we cannot explore on Earth. Remarkable recent observational discoveries, including Fast Radio Bursts and silhouettes of … Continued

Discipline: Physics

The objective of my research is to build novel quantum phases of matter and realize photonic control of chemical reactions using the emerging technology of ultracold polar molecules cooled to nanokelvin temperatures. Specifically, we will realize exotic topological superfluids built from interacting gases of polar molecules, which will feature extraordinary characteristics such as resistance to … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research focuses on understanding isolated solid-Earth subsystems in detail, with the goal of integrating them to investigate the evolution of surface environments over Earth’s history. My active research encompasses two primary topics: (a) Volcano science (Magmatic processes in the subsurface, submarine volcanism, and satellite remote sensing – this involves theory, fieldwork, as well as … Continued

Discipline: Physics

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory has observed high-energy neutrinos produced in some of the most violent processes in the Universe. But despite of more than a decade of observations only a few neutrino sources have been identified. Identifying these sources presents an unprecedented opportunity to study neutrinos. My proposal aims to exploit the fact that neutrinos … Continued

Discipline: Physics

Understanding the organization of interacting quantum particles into emergent states of matter presents one of the most challenging problems in physics. My group uses ultracold atomic gases to create highly-controlled, custom quantum worlds in which to explore the collective behavior of many-particle systems. In particular, we seek to understand the role of topology in quantum … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research focuses on the use of novel detection strategies to search for physics beyond the Standard Model. My goal is to develop new approaches by combining techniques and instrumentation from different disciplines, forming the basis of a broader long-term program that focuses on the discovery and characterization of new phenomena.

Discipline: Physics

Macroscopic quantum systems with many interacting particles can display novel emergent phenomena, ranging from exotic superconductors to topological insulators. Traditionally, many-body systems were most easily studied – conceptually and experimentally – near low temperatures and thermal equilibrium. A confluence of interdisciplinary developments, particularly experimental advances in building programmable quantum devices, have opened up completely novel … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My research focus is on theoretical quantum optics and its intersection with quantum information and condensed matter physics. In particular, a significant part of my research focuses on emergent optical phenomena that arises in ensembles of atoms or other quantum emitters. When emitters decay collectively, dissipative interactions generate correlations and entanglement between them. This is … Continued

Discipline: Physics

My lab’s unifying theme is the study of how physical systems can be harnessed to perform computation more efficiently or faster (or both) than is done by conventional computers, with a long-term goal of building computers that operate at the limits of what physics allows. We are interested in both classical and quantum computing systems. … Continued

Discipline: Physics

The absorption of light by matter follows a universal mechanism that drives crucial reactions in both natural and engineered systems. Processes ranging from photosynthesis, to photocatalysis, to photovoltaic energy harvesting all begin the same way: the absorption of light creates an exciton—a correlated electron-hole pair that carries energy rather than charge. The dynamics of excitons … Continued