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Discipline: Engineering - Chemical or Biological

Discipline: Engineering - Chemical or Biological

Correlation of macroscopic material properties and function with molecular structure and dynamics, particularly in heterogeneous macromolecular solids. Synthesis and characterization of self-assembled inorganic-organic and mesoporous materials for catalysis, separations, electrochemical, and opto-electronic applications. Molecular dynamics and structure in hierarchically ordered polymers, liquid crystals, nanocrystals, and biominerals. Development and application of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy methods … Continued

Discipline: Engineering - Chemical or Biological

The overall objective of the Burdick Laboratory is to design unique biomaterials for a range of biomedical applications. Our work spans fundamental questions related to polymer synthesis and processing through to clinical applications, particularly in the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal fields. Our group has pioneered the development of polymeric biomaterials – including electrospun fibers, injectable hydrogels, … Continued

Discipline: Engineering - Chemical or Biological

My research focuses on the discovery and understanding of fundamental phenomena in the behavior of complex fluid and materials processing flows a using experimental, computational and theoretical tools developed within his research group. Current projects include design of rheological additives, roll-to-roll graphene transfer and directed self-assembly of nanoparticles.

Discipline: Engineering - Chemical or Biological

Our lab develops methods of protein engineering by directed evolution, with emphasis on creating enzymes that bring new chemical reactions to life. We use evolution augmented with machine learning to circumvent our profound ignorance of how DNA encodes function in order to create new biological molecules.

Discipline: Engineering - Chemical or Biological

My research group focuses on the development of bioactive and bioresponsive materials that can be used as cell culture systems. Specifically, we design synthetic biomaterials that capture key features of the unique chemistry and physical properties of a cell’s niche—an environment that is not only tissue specific, but can be strikingly heterogeneous and dynamic. Unique … Continued

Discipline: Engineering - Chemical or Biological

Our research revolves around studies of colloidal and interfacial phenomena, ranging from fundamental issues related to colloidal interactions to the application of chemically tailored interfaces in chemical and biological sensors. We have designed and synthesized surfactants that incorporate molecular triggers (redox-active and light-sensitive groups) for reversible control of surfactant-based properties of aqueous systems. We are … Continued