Grantee Name: Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County Grants Received: 7 grants Total Amount: $1,190,250
Grantee Name: Sierra Health Foundation Center for Health Program Management Grants Received: 5 grants Total Amount: $1,230,000
Grantee Name: Silicon Valley Community Foundation Grants Received: 20 grants Total Amount: $8,332,000
Grantee Name: Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits Grants Received: 7 grants Total Amount: $1,075,000
Grantee Name: Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $125,000
Grantee Name: Spur-San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association Grants Received: 4 grants Total Amount: $450,000
Grantee Name: State of California Department of Health Care Services Grants Received: 7 grants Total Amount: $1,742,000
Grantee Name: The Museum of Art and History at the McPherson Center Grants Received: 6 grants Total Amount: $555,000
Grantee Name: The Regents of the University of California – Los Angeles Grants Received: 21 grants Total Amount: $8,177,531
Grantee Name: The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters Grants Received: 2 grants Total Amount: $100,000
Grantee Name: University of California Berkeley Foundation Grants Received: 4 grants Total Amount: $6,400,000