Funding Area: Families and Communities
to support the synthesis of evaluation data and reports from the Starting Smart and Strong initiative and the Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care portfolio
to support the synthesis of evaluation data and reports from the Starting Smart and Strong initiative and the Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care portfolio
to support the Indigenous supplement to the National Listening to Mothers IV Survey
for core support to foster bipartisan policy collaboration
for general support over 24 months
for core support of End Child Poverty in California
for general support over 24 months
to support health and wellbeing for birthing people, new parents, and children 0-3 with a focus on Native American Families
for general support over 12 months
to implement a coordinated effort to expand Medicaid coverage for children and pregnant and postpartum women; to reduce coverage gaps and disparities in Medicaid enrollment; and to defend Medicaid expansion
for the Buffet Early Childhood Institute to develop a national policy agenda that supports improvements in Head Start and the Child Care and Development Block grant as well as other policy opportunities to improve the accessibility, affordability, quality, and inclusiveness of early childhood programs