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Discipline: Biochemistry

Discipline: Biochemistry

Our group is focused on understanding metalloprotein function on the molecular level. We use X-ray crystallographic, spectroscopic, biochemical, genetic, and bioinformatic approaches to attack problems at the forefront of bioinorganic chemistry. Specific areas of interest include biological methane oxidation, oxygen activation by metalloenzymes, metal uptake and transport, and natural products biosynthesis.

Discipline: Biochemistry

Our lab works in a wide variety of fields — such as evolutionary genomics, viral sequencing, information theory, rural disease surveillance, and education — towards creating comprehensive approaches for detecting, containing, and treating deadly infectious diseases. The microbes we study include Lassa virus, Ebola virus, Zika virus, Plasmodium falciparum malaria, and Babesiosis microtia. We have … Continued

Discipline: Biochemistry

My laboratory investigates the role of RNA in biological processes using structural and biophysical methods. Our goal is to obtain a combined structural and dynamic view of how RNAs control biological processes, such as translation and viral replication, with a long-term goal of targeting disease processes involving RNA.

Discipline: Biochemistry

My lab focuses on: (1) understanding how gene regulatory networks encode and decode information to control gene expression; and (2) investigating the function and mechanism of oscillation of a three-protein circadian clock. In a new project, we are studying the mechanism of drug action, making use of a human cell line amenable to loss of … Continued

Discipline: Biochemistry

I am Chief Scientific Officer, mRNA Research Platform at Moderna Therapeutics, where I am responsible for leading all mRNA biology research at Moderna. My previous research at UMass encompassed a broad array of topics related to the role of RNA and RNA-protein (RNP) complexes in gene expression and touched on many human diseases including cancer, … Continued

Discipline: Biochemistry

Our group investigates the Conformational – Functional Behavior of Proteins. The approach we use is multidisciplinary, borrowing concepts and methodologies from condensed matter physics, physical chemistry,molecular spectroscopy, computer science, protein chemistry, and molecular and cell biology. We employ kinetic techniques (stopped-flow, continuous flow, temperature-jump), steady state spectroscopy (fluorescence, absorption, circular dichroism), nuclear magnetic resonance, single … Continued

Discipline: Biochemistry

The focus of my lab is the coupling of theoretical, computational, and experimental techniques for the study of structural biology. In particular, we have placed a major emphasis on developing quantitative methods for protein design with the goal of developing a fully systematic design strategy that they call “protein design automation.” Our design approach has … Continued

Discipline: Biochemistry

A long-term goal of the Marcotte lab is to understand the regulation and organization of the human proteome—the >20,000 proteins encoded within humans’ genomes—especially how these proteins’ abundances, interactions, and spatial distributions are dynamically controlled. Such data help reveal the functions of these proteins, nearly a quarter of which are still mostly uncharacterized. The lab … Continued

Discipline: Biochemistry

The Kelleher laboratory has evolved into three main sub-groups working in the areas of Top Down Proteomics, Natural Products Biosynthesis/Discovery, and Chromatin Biology. The core of the group is built around expertise in technology development for complex mixture analysis using Fourier-Transform mass spectrometry (FTMS) for targeted applications in proteomics and natural products chemistry, devising technologies … Continued

Discipline: Biochemistry

Research in the Jarrett Lab focuses on understanding the chemical mechanisms of reactions catalyzed by enzymes, with a particular focus on enzymes that employ organic radicals as reactive intermediates. Biotin synthase is a radical enzyme that adds a sulfur atom to complete the biosynthesis of this important cofactor; our work has shown that the enzyme … Continued