My research focuses on creating new approaches for assaying small volume samples using mass spectrometry based metabolomics and peptidomics measurements. My group uses these new tools to characterize small molecules and peptides in a range of animal models across the metazoan and in samples as small as individual cells and cellular domains. Recent work includes the development of a series of high throughput mass spectrometry approaches for characterizing tens of thousands of individual cells. Together with large international teams of biologists and technologists, we have performed comprehensive interrogation of the genome, transcriptome and peptidome in a range of animal models to uncover hundreds of new neuropeptides and hormones, as well as their involvement in wide range of functions and behaviors.

Awards and Achievements

  • ANACHEM Award, Federation of Analytical and Spectroscopy Societies
  • Pruitt Award, Council for Chemical Research
  • The Analytical Chemistry Award, The American Chemical Society
  • Ralph N. Adams Award, The Pittsburgh Conference
  • Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award, SACP
  • The Heinrich-Emanuel Merck Prize, Merck Co.

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