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Type: Advisors

Type: Advisors

Yemeserach Belayneh is a regional advisor to the Global Reproductive Health Initiative, contributing to the initiative’s strategy, grantmaking, evaluation and learning for East and West Africa. For the past 20 years, as the Foundation’s advisor and representative in Ethiopia, she managed the Foundation’s grantmaking activities in the country. She offered insights into the local context … Continued

Type: Advisors

Anand Sinha is a regional advisor to the Global Reproductive Health initiative, contributing to the initiative’s strategy, grantmaking, evaluation and learning for South Asia.  He is based in New Delhi and has over 28 years of experience in public health, primarily related to reproductive, maternal and child health.   Before joining the Packard Foundation, he led … Continued

Type: Advisors

Nurtured as an economist, Joko has been a strong advocate on climate and sustainable land use for over 16 years. Currently Joko advises and manages part of the grantmaking under for the Packard Foundation’s Global Climate Initiative which aims to halt and reverse deforestation through just and inclusive sustainable development. In his role he works … Continued