
Bipartisan Policy Center

9 Grants / $2,785,000

Funding Areas


to advance a national paid family leave policy in line with the recommendations of the Convergence Collaborative on Supports for Working Families


for core support for the Early Childhood Initiative to make early childhood a bipartisan, priority issue and to develop the architecture for improving the quality of federal, state, and local early learning and development programs


for core support to rebuild bipartisan conversations for national paid leave policies and to incrementally expand access to paid family leave for working families


for core support for the paid family leave work to rebuild bipartisan conversations on national paid leave policies and to incrementally expand access to leave


for core support for the Early Childhood Initiative to make early childhood a bipartisan, priority issue and to develop the architecture for improving the quality of federal, state, and local early learning and development programs


to establish the methodology and to conduct a representative survey of the nation’s child care providers on the impact of the American Rescue Plan Act funding


to capitalize on the momentum for reform, prevent unintended backlash, and build bipartisan support for a national paid family leave program


to continue to make early childhood a bipartisan, priority issue and develop the architecture to improve high quality federal, state, and local early learning and development programs


to support the work with Public Private Strategies to commission a set of strategic, focused, private sector roundtable discussions to understand employer perspectives and opportunities to better support young families