Our Grantee Demographic Data

As we work in service of our vision, we have a commitment to deepening our understanding of who we fund.

Since 2022 we partnered with Candid to collect data from our current U.S.-based 501(c)(3) grantees, including information on race and ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability status for Board members, CEOs/ Executive Directors (“leaders”), senior staff, and staff.

The purpose of this effort is to better understand who we fund as we work to create more positive experiences for organizations led by and serving people of color and increase transparency and accountability for how we are advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in our grantmaking.

Overall Responses

While we encouraged demographic reporting for staff, senior staff, leaders and boards, most organizations reported their leaders’ demographics and less often for other positions throughout their organizations. 

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Responses by Race

Across all levels (leaders, board, senior staff, and staff), the most common race/ethnicity was white. This is largely consistent with the demographic profile of grantees funded by the sector at large. A total of 96.82 percent of respondents shared this data.

Among the data on organizational leaders, 57.39 percent identified as White/Caucasian/European, followed by Black/African American (14.29 percent), Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latinx (11.08 percent), and Asian/Asian American (8.62 percent), respectively, as shown in the graph below.

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Responses by Gender

In terms of identifying as male, female, or non-binary, more respondents identified as female across all staff levels, (63.37% of leaders). A total of 98.64 percent of respondents across all levels shared this data.

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In terms of identifying as transgender or cisgender, 92.10% of leaders identified as cisgender. About 7.60% of respondents declined to state, and 0.3% indicated they identified as transgender.

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Responses by Sexual Orientation

In terms of sexual orientation (heterosexual or straight; gay, lesbian, bisexual, or other sexual orientations) most leaders identified as heterosexual (73.8%). A total of 68.86 percent of respondents shared this data.

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Responses by Disability Status

Among those who reported disability status, the majority of leaders reported as not having a disability (78.5%). A total of 66.14 percent of respondents shared this data.

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